The timing and quality of lead response is critical

Clearview Tools make it easy

Research from Peter Kempf International Real Estate reveals more than 50% of all marketing generated real estate leads are never spoken with by a sales person.

A big reason for this is poor response practices to online leads - namely, slow response and a lack of relevant, next-level information delivered as requested.

As a result, sales people suffer from missed opportunities. Marketing dollars are underserved unless your sales team or individual agents have the benefit of a professional process used to engage those leads.

In the sections below, we'll review several studies on the importance of proactive lead response and learn how Clearview Elite does the all the heavy lifting for you.

Lead Response Management Studies

Those who respond faster close more sales

Your odds of contacting a lead if called in 5 minutes versus 30 minutes increases 100 times

"Much of the inspiration for founding Clearview Elite came from the lead response study by Dr. James Oldroyd, and David Elkington."

-Eric Pierce, Founder, Clearview Elite

Dr. James Oldroyd, PHD is a Professor at M.I.T. and David Elkington is the CEO of These men co-authored the Lead Response Management Study that shed light on the importance of timely follow up as part of a professional sales process.

According to the study, the odds of contacting a lead if called in 5 minutes versus 30 minutes from inquiry increases 100 times!

These numbers are alarming, yet what's even more alarming is the percentage of real estate agents who do not follow up at all. See the telling table below from the REAL Trends 2013 Online Performance Study. 43% of real estate agents surveyed didn't respond to inquiries even once.

Agent Response Time - Courtesy of Real Trends

This is how your customers are learning about your property

Customers want information quickly

Clearview tools take care of that for you

Facts to support implementing Clearview Elite's Tools:

  1. MIT and study reveals chances of contacting a lead increases 100 times if called in 5 minutes vs 30 minutes;
  2. Peter Kempf International Real Estate says more than 50% of all marketing generated leads are never spoken with by a sales person;
  3. Real Trends says less than half of real estate agents respond to new inquiries the same day and 43% never respond at all;
  4. More Real Trends data: 89% of real estate consumers say that response time is very important.

What Clearview Elite's Tools Do For You:

  1. Clearview Property Presentations - Impressive marketing presentation is sent on your behalf - instantly and automatically;
  2. Clearview Email Alerts - Know exactly when someone opens your Clearview Presentation, give them 5 minutes, then make the call;
  3. Clearview Morning Dashboards - Start your day off right with a report emailed to you every morning indicating which leads are reading your Clearview Presentation the most. Call those people first.
  4. plugin - Salesforce users rejoice! We've got an app that will perform automated lead assignment, response, open notifications and morning dashboards right from your Salesforce account;

Click on an image below to enlarge. 1) An emailed Activity Alert, 2) a Morning Dashboard Email